Air Deccan to operate daily Delhi-Bhubaneswar flight

No-frills airline Air Deccan today announced its plan to introduce a daily flight between Bhubaneswar and New Delhi via Raipur from November 20 next. An Airbus A-320 (180 seater) aircraft would be deployed on the route for the daily service, Samyukth Sridharan, principal marketing and sales officer of Air Deccan said.
While the flight would take the Delhi-Raipur-Bhubaneswar- Delhi route on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it would fly on the Delhi-Bhubaneswar-Raipur-Delhi route on the other four days of the week, he said. The carrier, at present, operates two daily flights between Bhubaneswar and Kolkata.
Sridharan said that Air Deccan was the fastest growing airline in the country with a market share of 21.2 per cent as of June last. It operated 270 flights every day. Commencing operations with a lone aircraft when it was launched three years ago, the airline presently owned 41 airplanes with five more aircraft likely to be inducted into its fleet within the next six months, he said.
Asked about its low-priced tickets, he said quick turnaround time, lower distribution costs, all economy seating configuration and absence of free catering on board were some of the reasons which enabled the airline to keep its price low.
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