New look Delhi Airport by 2010

The Indira Gandhi international airport is gearing up for a brand new look to usher in the Commonwealth games. By 2010, the airport is going to be ready with a state-of the art look — a fully functional metro rail system, a 4.4 km long new runway with the capacity of handling A380 sized aircraft, swanky bars and restaurants, multi-level car parks for 4300 cars, a hotel and an increased passenger capacity of 100 million. Announcing the new master plan of the Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), its managing director Srinivas Bommidilla said, “The master plan has been sent to the ministry of civil aviation and except for a few minor changes it has been approved. The first changes can be seen as early as March 2008 but the final look will be complete only in 2010.”
The new plan has been prepared keeping the successful models of Frankfurt and Heathrow airports in mind and London-based architecture firms Mott McDonald and HOK (UK) have been hired to carry out all the infrastructural and cosmetic changes. “We will make sure that the feel is international but there will be Indian elements as far as the décor is concerned. Also, security will be a major issue and we are in the process of getting some of the best and modern equipment for that,” said Bommidilla. The airport will have an interim terminal that will be ready by 2008 to ease out traffic till a third terminal comes up by 2010. By which time the interim terminal will be used for budget airlines exclusively. The Delhi airport by 2010 is expected to have a new integrated domestic and international terminal, increasing the capacity from 15 to 37 million passengers per year. The metro line is expected to connect the airport to central Delhi in 19 minutes and even link sub urban areas such as Dwarka with a six-lane approach road from NH8.
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