Government aiming to improve Air Cargo trade

The Government is taking a number of steps towards improving air cargo trade expansion at the various airports in the country. This information was given to the Parliament, by Shri Praful Patel, Minister for Civil Aviation. Airports Authority of India (AAI) is handling international cargo at 4 metro airports viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata and at 4 non-metro airports viz. Nagpur, Guwahati, Lucknow and Coimbatore airports. At Indira Gandhi International Airport Delhi, infrastructure development such as air conditioned Public Waiting Hall with working paraphernalia, the Truck Dock Area of Centre for Perishable Cargo (CPC), modification of cargo terminal with facility to maintain ambient temperature. At Amrit sar airport, construction of a Modern Air Cargo Terminal and Temporary Centre for Perishable Cargo (CPC) developed by PAGREXO have been commissioned. At Kolkata airport, Phase-I of Integrated cargo Terminal for export operation at a cost of Rs. 49.66 crore has been commissioned.
Web based EDI in the export cargo processing has been implemented on 100% basis at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai airports. X-ray charges has been reduced 20% discout on export handling charges has been introduced w.e.f. September 2005 for the export by the exporters/authorized agencies between 1000-1500 hours. Shifting of export cargo pertaining to 8 countries directly to bonded area has been allowed. M/s. Cargo Service Centre (CSC) has been permitted to operate Reefer Dolly for moving perishable cargo loaded in the container from centre for Perishable Cargo to the Aircraft bay without levy of any additional charge on airlines/trade by CSC. A new policy has been developed for establishment of Centre for Perishable Cargo (CPC). A policy to develop domestic airports for international cargo handling by leasing space/land to interested organisations through open tenders have been formulated. Indian Airlines proposes to convert five B-737 aircraft currently being operated by Alliance Air into freighter aircraft. These 5 aircraft are being considered to operate with hub and spoke pattern. Indian Airlines plans to operate these freighter services with Nagpur as a hub and Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai (Via Bangalore & Hyderabad) as originating stations.
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